Health From Plants : Abundance of wellness

‘AB ORIGINE’ means from the source/ beginning. The herbs and plants of our beautiful green planet hold the ancient secret of primordial force (AB ORIGINE), through which every life form came into being. Herbs and plants throughout every culture and time period have been used for medicinal purposes, spells and rituals. Plants have sun’s energy stored within them and hold abundant life force energy within them. They hold the power to enhance, heal and strengthen the overall wellbeing of multiple life forms of this planet. People have always relied on plants for food, flavour and basic sustenance. The very essence of life and vitality came from plants. Over the course of time, human beings started supplementing their food with various herbs found in nature to improve their overall wellbeing and enhance their lifestyles.
History Of Plants As Medicine
Humans have always used herbs to heal since ancient times. Human history and the history of medicinal plants are so closely intertwined, that it becomes nearly impossible to separate the two. Herbal medicine’s culture and use have declined with the introduction of Western medicine. However, in India, Europe and China, the trend of Herbalism still flourishes. However, in recent times, interest in herbal medicine has grown widely. In a bid to go back to their roots, people all over the world are now are turning back to Herbalism because of its safe and comprehensive approach.
It is believed that Herbalism travelled from India to other parts of the world. First, the travellers took it to China, where traditional Chinese medicine originated and then to the world’s Western and Middle Eastern parts. Which then led to further development of European and Egyptian medicine. Hippocrates was an advocate of a holistic approach and admired the use of plants as medicine. He believed in treating the person as a whole rather than addressing symptoms separately. He famously said,”Let thy food be your medicine, and your medicine be thy food.”
Written Records
Archaeologists have found that the use of plants as medicine dates back to the Paleolithic era (60,000 years ago). Our oldest healers were shamans. Shamans had extensive knowledge of herbalism and had a special relationship with therapeutic and medicinal plants. Healing plants have been mentioned in 5000-year old clay Sumerian tablets, Ayurvedic ‘Vedas’ from 1500 BC and the traditional Chinese medicine – The yellow emperors materia medica classic from 1000 BC. The Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, which dates from 1500 B.C. is one of the oldest written documents on medicinal herbs. The Charaka Samhita, written about 700 B.C. in India, details the usage of over 300 medicinal herbs.
Herbalism has always prioritised the holistic health of the individual over a specific ailment. In this age of modern treatments, this holistic approach has re-popularized Herbalism.
Uses Of Plants For Health And Wellbeing
The majority of our forefathers originated from animistic civilizations, believing that even plants have a spirit. In human history, plants have been utilized to cure and prevent diseases. It is only in recent times that we have lost touch with nature and have come to rely on western therapies.
Herbal remedies have been utilised for aeons to treat ailments and this fact is backed by tonnes of medical studies and research. People have been drinking herbal teas to improve their immune systems, decrease stress, stimulate brain function and avoid chronic illnesses. Essential oils derived from various plants are used to reduce stress, improve mood, relieve headaches and improve sleep.
Attention And Memory
Keeping plants in our home or office boosts our performance, productivity, memory and concentration. The natural environment relaxes us, allowing us to focus better and increase our productivity. The banalities of productivity enhancement aside, the healing and cathartic effect that plants have in our lives cannot be emphasized enough. Working in an environment devoid of natural touch results in lower productivity rates than working in an environment rich in greenery.
Flowering plants and their natural beauty relaxes our minds, bodies and spirit. When our mind is relaxed, we feel inner peace, radiate joy and experience a surge of positive energy around us. People who keep flowers close to them are happier and have a more optimistic view of life.
Healing Power
Humans have used plants for centuries to promote relaxation, cure ailments and ease physical and emotional pain. Many shrubs, trees and plants have antibacterial and antiseptic qualities that can be used to treat wounds, cuts, abrasions and other minor injuries. Keeping a few ornamental plants around a patient helps speed up and eases the healing process. Patients that physically engage with plants have a considerably shorter healing period following medical treatments.
Studies reflect that people who spend more time near plants have better and positive social interaction with others. They are able to develop sympathetic bonds and are more willing to offer support to other people. People who care for nature are more likely to care for and support each other. Hence, spending time amidst the magic of nature makes people more empathetic and loving towards one another.
Mental Health
People who spend most of their time in nature have a more optimistic view of life than those who reside indoors mainly. A healthy mind is can be attained by spending a substantial amount of time outside, surrounded by trees and plants. When people begin to spend time in nature, they learn how to disconnect and have fewer worries on their minds.
Herbalism is the practice of creating plant-based remedies to treat a variety of health conditions. It is also known as botanical medicine or phototherapy. Herbalism has always been the most popular kind of medicine, both in the past and now.
Herbal medicines were used in all traditional and folk medicinal practices. Plant extracts, leaves, flowers, roots and other plant components were utilized to produce medications. They exhibited almost no adverse effects and had a high healing efficacy.